With all the money in the world behind it - with years and years of similar movies in the pipeline - the comic book superhero genre is already looking tired and going through the motions. The latest, "Captain America: The Winter Soldier," has the usual overlong running time, the halfhearted feints in the direction of human feeling and the obligatory action sequences that are big without being either exciting or particularly legible.
One action scene gets so confusing and jumbled that the question has to be written into the script: "How do we know the good guys from the bad guys?" The answer: "If they're shooting at us, they're the bad guys." Maybe. Or maybe those are the real heroes, trying to end the movie. For all of us.
Reviewing ‘Captain America: The Winter Solider’ is tough to do without adding spoilers. How do you critique an espionage tale without giving away the best parts? I’ll give it a shot.
Long story short: Chris Evans (Captain America), Scarlett Johannson (Black Widow), Anthony Mackie (The Falcon) find themselves in a situation where it’s essentially them against the world as they try and unravel the mystery behind an attack on Samuel L. Jackson’s Nick Fury. They handle the situation with wit, intelligence, strength, speed, and agility. The chemistry between each of them was great, and Marvel would be wise to continue keeping the three of them together moving forward.
At one point in the film, Cap manages to find a way to directly address agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. He wants them to disobey a direct order — one that may end up costing them their lives — and in doing so he tells the audience what the film is essentially about.
Attention all S.H.I.E.L.D. agents, this is Steve Rogers. You’ve heard a lot about me over the last few days. Some of you were even ordered to hunt me down. But I think it’s time you know the truth. S.H.I.E.L.D is not what we thought it was. … They almost have what they want: absolute control. … I know I’m asking a lot. The price of freedom is high. It always has been. That’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it — but I’m willing to bet I’m not.What is the price of freedom? If you’re a wise guy who enjoyed ‘Team America: World Police,’ you might say “freedom costs a buck-o-five.” If you’re a serious person, you might say that it’s a tough call because those in positions of power have to find a way to maximize both individual liberty and security.
How do you protect a nation when there are individuals and organizations tirelessly plotting ways to take down free societies? When you’re facing down enemies who see no difference between civilian and military targets — when you’re up against an opponent who has erased any notion of the traditional battlefield and replaced it with one where everything is fair game, how much power are you willing to ’s agents: our leaders want “absolute control.” But then the question becomes: Who watches the watchmen? What happens when the ones who protect us lose their way?
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“[Marvel] said they wanted to make a political thriller. [...] So we said if you want to make a political thriller, all the great political thrillers have very current issues in them that reflect the anxiety of the audience. … That gives it an immediacy, it makes it relevant. So [Anthony] and I just looked at the issues that were causing anxiety for us, because we read a lot and are politically inclined. And a lot of that stuff had to do with civil liberties issues, drone strikes, the president’s kill list, preemptive technology. [etc.]“While I’m actually rather shocked that a Hollywood director had the guts to say that concerns over President Obama’s “Terror Tuesday Kill List” helped inspire a top-notch Marvel movie, on some level it’s no surprise given that the industry’s old-reliable when it comes to political thrillers is to blame America.
As I said in October when the first trailer came out:
The trailer for Captain America: Winter Soldier is finally here. The good news is that it looks like it has all the makings of solid espionage fare: Robert Redford? Check. Russian spies? Check. Shady spy agencies? Check.Is it annoying that Marvel went for the easy layup by once again putting America in the cross hairs? Yes, slightly. Was the movie entertaining? Of course. In fact, I highly recommend it. It’s just odd that critics of ‘Captain America: The Winter Soldier’ would have a point if they said it would have been better off going with ‘Captain America: Disillusioned with America.’ The movie has an assassin with a big red Soviet star on his metallic arm but no one talks about Communism, except for a passing reference? If the next installment doesn’t get into KGB agents and the world-wide espionage perpetrated by the Evil Empire, then Marvel should just openly admit that its favorite movie bad guys are aliens and Americans.
The bad news? It has all the makings of a blame-America espionage flick. …
Mullah nuts in the Middle East who deny the Holocaust and call for pushing the Jews “into the sea”? Eh. Chinese Communist intelligence agencies who have never met a U.S. business or defense contractor they wouldn’t hack? Eh. Nebulous terrorist organizations that don’t fly under the flag, even as they plot and plan to kill military and civilian targets on a massive scale? Eh. CIA attempts to “connect the dots” and “neutralize” threats before thousands of Americans die on their way to work on a Tuesday morning? Now there’s a movie!
At the end of the day, there isn’t much to really complain about regarding Cap’s second solo outing. If Marvel continues churning out quality products like this, then Phase II, III, IV and V should roll along quite nicely. If you get a chance to see ‘Winter Soldier’ in theaters, check it out. You’ll be glad you did.
Tuesday 8 of April of 2014
Watch Captain America: The Winter Soldier Movie Free
For Joe Johnston, the business was straightforward enough. His 2011 Captain America picture was the fifth juggernaut in the ongoing
Marvel Avengers convoy, and took place almost entirely during the Second
World War. In it, the Captain, Steve Rogers (Chris
Evans), was a rippling pastiche of a military hero, who waged war in
freedom’s name against grim men in black trench coats – Hydra, rather than
the Nazis, although you suspect they shared a tailor – and fought with a
moral certitude that was supposed to strike us as charmingly dated.
This sequel unfolds almost entirely in present-day Washington DC, where
freedom is less of a defendable ideal than a political sales-pitch. Your
first clue that something might be afoot, providing you’ve seen Three Days
of the Condor or All
The President’s Men, is the presence of Robert Redford, who
plays a beaming director of the SHIELD intelligence service, and whose DC
office block – no more than a hop, skip and jump from the Watergate
building, you suspect – houses three state-of-the-art drone gunships in its
The US government plans to send these craft to the Middle East, where they can
bullseye suspicious cave-dwellers from on high, which Rogers can’t square
with his own, more honestly swashbuckling sense of patriotism.
“I thought the punishment came after the crime,” he tells his commander, Nick
Fury (Samuel L. Jackson). “We can’t afford to wait these days,” comes the
barked response. More than ever, Jackson here has the cast of an angry
pillar box, and in some scenes in The Winter Soldier he seems to transform
into a column of pure, compacted rage. First, though, come suspicion and
panic: Fury uncovers a conspiracy relating to the drones and becomes the
target of an elite assassin, the Winter Soldier, whose own masters (to
anyone in the film, at least) are not immediately identifiable.
For Joe Johnston, the business was straightforward enough. His 2011 Captain America picture was the fifth juggernaut in the ongoing
Marvel Avengers convoy, and took place almost entirely during the Second
World War. In it, the Captain, Steve Rogers (Chris
Evans), was a rippling pastiche of a military hero, who waged war in
freedom’s name against grim men in black trench coats – Hydra, rather than
the Nazis, although you suspect they shared a tailor – and fought with a
moral certitude that was supposed to strike us as charmingly dated.
This sequel unfolds almost entirely in present-day Washington DC, where
freedom is less of a defendable ideal than a political sales-pitch. Your
first clue that something might be afoot, providing you’ve seen Three Days
of the Condor or All
The President’s Men, is the presence of Robert Redford, who
plays a beaming director of the SHIELD intelligence service, and whose DC
office block – no more than a hop, skip and jump from the Watergate
building, you suspect – houses three state-of-the-art drone gunships in its
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